I Know Its A Goat This Time - Review of Big Sky Scape Goat

Fri May 28, 2010 2:27 pm

I was given a bit of shit for my “Antelope or Gazelle” review of Big Sky’s IPA but this time I know its a goat. You know why? Cuz it says it! That’s right, this week I am doing another Big Sky Beer. Scape Goat Pale Ale. I don’t normally do a beer from the same brand, mainly because I’m trying to work with these breweries to get more information so I can write better articles. In turn, I appreciate them sending me beer for my hard works. The first of its kind will be coming soon, I promise! Anyway, someone mentioned on one of the forums I like to go to that Big Sky Brewery is a model brewery. They brew great beer, sponsor community events, support local homebrewers and continue to be a great example for a brewery nationally and locally. I feel a little bad that the packaging has prevented me from trying any of the beers. So, I decided this week, I’d do Scape Goat Pale Ale.

Video Review of Big Sky Scape Goat Pale Ale


I’m not going to say much here other than what I’ve said about their packaging before. It looks a little dated and I just can’t get over animals on the bottles. I just don’t like it. I do like that it mentions Pale Ale so I have at least a clue as to what is inside the bottle.


Clear as day with a nice light copper hue. The head on it is nice and foamy, but doesn’t stick around to long, however, it does lace nicely on the sides.


Hoppy! Duh right? For a pale ale the hop aroma is on the higher side, which I don’t mind. I can’t pick out the strain of hops used, still working on that skill! Regardless, it has a nice subtle fruity, flowery hop aroma with little malt character. I do get a little biscuit or bread smell mixed in with a little caramel. It isn’t strong and I could just be looking to hard for something like that.


It doesn’t have much on the front end of taste. This leads me to believe that the malts are hidden behind a big bitter after taste. Low and behold, that is the case. Initially it could be mistaken to be a bit watered down because there is no sweetness upfront and the carbonation is a little light. But the hop taste and bitterness blow through at the end and stick with you a bit, kind of like a light IPA.


Like I mentioned. Its a bit light on the carbonation which gives it a very smooth, silky like mouthfeel. The bitter acids zip on the tongue while this medium bodied beer splashes through my teeth.


I definitely think there is some drinkability there. I could probably make a night out of a beer like this. However, the bitter after taste does remind me of an IPA and I’ve yet to determine if that is something I want to make a night out of. If you like a bitter after taste, this is definitely a beer to try. Its smooth, bitter, dry and easy to drink.


A very good beer from what I understand to be a very good brewery. I love the local business supporting the community and I suppose is one reason why so many people always say, “Drink Local” right? I heard a statistic that a dollar spent locally will go through the community an average of 7 times before making it out. That is pretty sweet and a great reason to support your local brewers. Anyway, I’d for sure give this brew a try. Its tasty with a very subtle malt character that is a bit dominated by hop flavor, aroma and bitterness. I like it because its smooth and dry.

How bout you?

Have you tried it? Whad’ya think?
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Re: I Know Its A Goat This Time - Review of Big Sky Scape Goat

Fri May 28, 2010 11:45 pm

Yes, it's a goat. We have those here. The antelope is on the 'Big Sky IPA' from them and as for gazelles, they don't even live on this continent. Africa. Africa, a little Asia, and Africa. We may be a little fucked up here in Montana, but as much beer, cousin & AK47 rounds that are consumed here we're still fairly confident we don't have gazelles. That will be all. Thank you.

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Re: I Know Its A Goat This Time - Review of Big Sky Scape Goat

Sat May 29, 2010 1:24 pm

I know, I know.

I live in ND, I've been to Montana plenty of times. The title is merely for enticing the potential reader. I apologize if it has offended you in some way. I can't determine the tone of your response.

What do you think of the beers?

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Re: I Know Its A Goat This Time - Review of Big Sky Scape Goat

Mon May 31, 2010 6:18 am

Honestly it's been a long time since I sat down with any of Big Sky's brews and actually analyzed them. Actually, I'm trying to remember the last time I've even bought one of their 6 packs. Moose Drool is a little lower than 'Bozeman Budweiser' (a.k.a. Flat Tire) on my list and will only drink it if my only other option is B/M/C. The Summer Honey (with a Griz, since we're striving for correct species labelization) is a summer wheat "brewed with spices". It's trying to be Oberon (Bell's) and fails miserably; it's now in my '5-pack collection' waiting for a party with non-beer geeks or people I don't particularly care for. Brewing today, so maybe I'll walk over to the gas station & pick up a 6 of the pale & IPA to refresh my memory - I seem to recall those two being the better two lines out of their selections. They're the largest Montana brewery by far, and there's definitely worse to be found in the state... but there's also a hell of a lot better which is why I don't buy their products too frequently.

mikebiewer wrote:I apologize if it has offended you in some way. I can't determine the tone of your response.

Oh you're gonna have to try harder than that. Maybe if you said that a Ford is better than a Subi we'd have an issue. :)

Since you're just across the border, hit up Carter's in Billings somewhere in the near future. I've been singing their praises not only on this forum but to all my friends who don't get over there often enough. If you're lucky enough to snag a bottle of 3 of his limited release Saison de Carter (2008 vintage - he's got a few cases of 750's in the tasting room), do it. You won't be sorry. I just bought a full case of it the last time I was in town. Bonus: if you get there when they open at 4, the owner/brewmaster Mike can occasionally be found in a hop grenade hoodie & is a real knowledgeable, friendly dude.

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Re: I Know Its A Goat This Time - Review of Big Sky Scape Goat

Mon May 31, 2010 10:00 am


I'll have to see if I can get my hands on that. I don't get out west in the state to often. Used to get out there 2 or 3 times a year, but not so much anymore.

My wife and I are planning a move out to Portland this year, if she can find work. I'll keep it in mind because I think our driving path might take us near enough that I could score some. LOL. I may have to do a bit of research and find places to stop a long the way to pick up beers that I won't be able to get out west.

What were you brewing?

Thanks for the comments!
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Re: I Know Its A Goat This Time - Review of Big Sky Scape Goat

Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:36 pm

Blonde ale. Both conicals were empty and 40 gallons of empty space just doesn't sit well with me. However being a holiday weekend, I had to deal with what was in house already (I keep a pretty good stock of ingredients), but I was sitting low on base malt. The only 2 recipes I had that had that low of a base malt were that & my Berliner weisse. No lacto on hand, pretty much decided for me. I just got done with another brew today, 30 gallons of Irish Red. Exhausted!
Let me know if you're passing through or just in the nearby area for whatever. If I can pull a night off, the first round is on me. But the first goat is all yours. :drink

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Re: I Know Its A Goat This Time - Review of Big Sky Scape Goat

Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:17 pm

LOL! Awesome. I may take you up on that.

Do you have any pictures of your setup? Making 30 gallons sounds like SOOO much fun...
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