Original Grodziskie Beer - 1992 - English review

Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:22 am


I'm beer geek from Poland and I'd like to share a link to youtube video of the most watched craft beer blogger from my country, Tomek Kopyra (he's judging at events all over the world, including Denver). He has another channel exclusively for english reviews and recently he had an opportunity to review original 23-years old grodziskie beer (Grätzer). Check if it's not spoiled:

Here's quote from wikipedia page of Grodziskie:

Grodziskie (Grätzer, Grodzisz) is a style of beer from Poland that is made primarily or entirely from wheat that has been malted and then kiln-dried with oak wood, giving the grain a smokey oak character. The beer looks and acts like Champagne, with a clear, pale yellow to golden color and high carbonation levels, and has low to medium levels of hop bitterness.

I hope more people all around the world will come to this channel so Tomek will post more reviews in english as Poland's craft beer scene has MUCH to offer every new day!

There's review of 30-years old Żywiec Porter too!
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Re: Original Grodziskie Beer - 1992 - English review

Tue Mar 03, 2015 5:34 pm

Hey Hophead,

Thanks for the link! Cool video. I've been listening to the BN and reading the forum for ages, but this is the first time I've felt like commenting.

Poland has an awesome craft beer scene. I lived there for 7 years (in Poznań) and it was great to see it take off and develop. I always look forward to visiting and seeing what new developments there have been there. Like you say, there seems to be something new every day. If anyone has a chance to visit, be assured, there's tons more to drink than macroswill.

Na zdrowie i dzięki za link!
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Re: Original Grodziskie Beer - 1992 - English review

Tue Apr 28, 2015 2:03 pm

This guy's a great reviewer, you can tell he's enjoying the entire experience and also knows his stuff.
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Re: Original Grodziskie Beer - 1992 - English review

Wed Apr 29, 2015 7:55 am

I wonder if the smoke character fades with age? I brewed a Grodziskie with 100% Weyermann Oak Smoked Malt and it was much more than subtle. Interesting about his comments on the wine-like character too. I wonder if that is originally yeast derived or from oxidation/age?
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