I tried mead for the first time while back in the US last month. It was actually more like a barley wine with honey, but tastey nontheless. So the other day I looked up "easy mead recipes" for the hell of it, and came across some people making still mead with common grocery store items (1 gallon mead = 2 lbs honey, 20 raisins, baker's yeast, and an orange or another fruit to tweak the flavor)...
Since I have no easy access to ingredients here in Thailand (especially good yeast), this recipe intrigued me as a fun little side experiment. They recommend racking to a secondary and leaving it for 6+ months, and I don't mind waiting this long, or even a year+ if it will turn out decent. I'm just concerned that the average 80F (and 90+ when I'm out of town) temperature in my house will be too much for the baker's yeast to handle. I'd probably make a 5 gallon batch. I figure if I'm going to wait a year I may as well make a lot of it!
With that being said, is this simple recipe worth trying, or will the high temps just spoil any effort I make?
If it is do-able, any suggestions on a good fruit to add other than oranges, or an easy tweak to the recipe that will improve it?