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Peanuts in beer

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Peanuts in beer

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 10:32 am
by rocoelho85
Hi everyone!

I want to try a Dry Stout beer with peanuts in grains not butter. I thinking on peanuts in shell, open them, crash them and put on mash start. Someone already try this experimentation ? Someone knows if has problem doing this way ?


Re: Peanuts in beer

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:03 am
by BDawg

I have never brewed a peanut butter beer but I know lots of friends that have, including the owners of a commercial brewery that make a really good peanut butter brown ale.

There is a LOT of oil in peanuts. That does not work well in beer (lipids can cause soapy off flavors, oil ruins head retention, etc).
People use dry peanut butter powder which has the oil removed, so the flavor is still there but the oil issues are not.


Re: Peanuts in beer

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:06 am
by NateBrews
I made a chocolate peanut butter stout once (or was it a porter..whatever). Anyway, I got the natural peanut butter and poured off all the oil on top, then packed it with paper towels over and over again to get the oil out of it. It worked pretty well but it ended up having the head retention of soda (Barq's I would say).

Like with most peanut butter beers, one was fun but 5gal of it was a long slog.

This was also before the whole peanut butter powder thing existed. I might try it again, but it might kill my kid so I don't.

Re: Peanuts in beer

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 5:50 pm
by dmtaylor
Best way to make a peanut flavored beer is.... toast Maris Otter at 350 F for 20 minutes or so, and/or use peanut flavored extract. Actual nuts or peanut butter, not so good.

Re: Peanuts in beer

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 5:51 am
by brewinhard
So you want peanut not peanut butter flavor?

As dmtaylor suggested, there are extracts out there (check out silver cloud /olive nation extracts - very high quality) and there is also peanut butter powder (PB2) that is used many times in brewing these types of beers. Let us know what you decide to go with.

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