Beer Forum

This is a forum for enlisted and new recruits of the BN Army. Home brewers bringing it strong! Learn how to brew beer, trade secrets, or talk trash about your friends.

Whut up Networks?!

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Whut up Networks?!

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 12:49 pm
by magnesium
Hey all,

Magnesium here from Toronto Canada. I've watched a couple streams and have abused some of you there with my questions. I figured it was time I got my ass to the forums and get some help here too. Who knows, eventually I might even be able to provide some help.

I got into homebrewing from my brother-in-law when he got me a BIAB kit a few years ago, then I dropped it for a while and got back into it January 2016, brewing about once every few months and quickly diving into all grain and kegging thanks to reading How to Brew and listening to The Brewing Network.

Then I decided to go all in with a fermentation fridge being controlled by a brewpi hack on the cheap, and after refurbishing my kitchen I salvaged some old cabinets and countertop to build a brewery in my garage.

And then the earth cooled, and the dinosaurs... so here I am. Thanks for having me.

Re: Whut up Networks?!

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 1:05 pm
by brewinhard
Welcome to the forum! Glad you decided to join up.


Brewinhard :bnarmy: :bnarmy: :bnarmy:

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